
we left the village

We left the village yesterday. Welli ran after us for miles. It was so hard on me that I just couldn’t look at him and say goodbye. I know he’s happy here and that the village will go on with or without us. Nevertheless, It’s like I had let a part of me among them. But fortunately I have Alex and we're still together. I’m glad that we shared this adventure.


departure :(

I feel sad to write this but time for departure is getting closer. Within two weeks we’ll have to pack and leave. Surprisingly Alex doesn’t seem to be too upset by that thought. On the contrary, he seems to be quite happy to leave and keeps saying that he can't wait to share his discovery with his partner and buddy Matthew. I can’t think straight about this comeback yet. I really feel I had found my place on earth here, among these people. We’ll have to go anyway, but I’m wondering what our life will be back in Santa Fe: the same as before? I doubt. French Guyana revealed itself as a second chance for Alex and I but it arose another question? …


pure magic

Alex and François had a surprise for us when they came back: huge boxes of food and drinks! We decided to have a party right here in the village. It has been a lot of fun and somewhat unreal in the same time. It ended with everybody sitting around a huge bonfire, listening to the women of the village singing and the elders teeling stories. I can’t describe this moment, pure magic…



Alex and François left for the nearest town. They wanted to send data to Matthew. They’ll bring back new reserves of medecine in the same trip. Aspirin here is the closest thing to a miracle. I asked Alex to bring back reserves of the basics which means antiseptic, medical devices… I hope that I’ll be able to leave it all in care of Welli (with proper instructions!) before we have to leave. This young man is amazing. He’s only fourteen years old but he’s so willing to learn and understand. Can you figure out that within 3 weeks he learnt almost all the French medical words that we use within the camp? Amazing… I already imagine him being a kind of medicine man even if I know that he may never leave his village and his family.