

ALEX IS OK ! WE FOUND HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He seems to be in good health except for a bad fever. I’ll tell you more


anyone knows where alex is??!?

If anyone has a clue about Alex , PLEASE send me urgently an email to kellyjolien.reyes@gmail.com


searching for alex

We organized a search party with the people from the village and looked for him everywhere. We even went back to the place where the bridge collapsed and where we discovered the teenager. Nothing, not even a clue, a sign. No one has seen him of heard of him for miles. I’m so scared and helpless that I tried to call Matthew in Santa Fe in case he knows something I don't but I couldn’t reach him. What’s going on, this must be a nightmare! What can I do, I never felt so alone in my entire life.


damn, where is alex!

He didn’t come back home last night and hasn't given any news either. That’s not normal and I’m really worried right now. Something happened to him. I can't get this fear off my mind. He would never let me without news like that. That’s my fault, why did I decide to come here? We should have waited. My god, I hope he’s okay!


alex is on a trek

When I woke up this morning Alex was on the leave, his bag on his back and he had his camera too. He told me he needed a short trek alone to clear up his mind. First I was surprised but I admit that I was so glad to hear him think of something else. It was the first sound sign he gave since the unknown teenager died on us. It’s 3 p.m. now, I started to pack our bags but I must convince him to come back with me. I’ll try tonight when he returns from his trek.


more trouble

I don’t know what to do. Alex is no longer interested in anything else except this unknown teenager's case. The village inhabitants are getting scared of him now. They believe he's under some sort of curse. Nobody comes anymore to consult Alex or confide in him. They all turn to me and I can't do it all by myself! They are so afraid of him and I can understand it. Alex looks sick and he almost lost 5 kilos. If you only could see him you would understand. I tried to talk to him twice but it's like he can’t hear me. We must go and leave this country. That’s the only solution I found for the moment.



Alex is getting obsessed by this teenager's case. He hasn’t slept for hours. He locks himself in his small lab all day long, running test after test. I’m getting worried: he doesn't seem to be able to think of anything else lately. He keeps telling me that this discovery is going to be a revolution for our whole world but I feel helpless and I don’t know what I could do or say to calm him down and bring him back to reality. Other people need our care here. I understand that he can be excited and, in a way, so am I but this discovery has to be handled very carefully. It’s so revolutionary that I am sure it could be dangerous too, I believe its drawbacks could be devastating if not handled carefully.